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drunkenmantis · 10 months ago
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Shot through the heart (30/?) <<prev page next>>
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jthmaaucomic · 16 days ago
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insert-goofy-trash-noise · 10 months ago
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ftwkcomic · 5 months ago
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The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog #2 page 30
Gotta think of a plan fast. Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com Discord: https://discord.gg/TQUA26Naj8
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
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xx-akubara-xx · 2 years ago
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You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming?
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districtfourmermaid · 4 months ago
It's about that time. Peeta's ceasefire bit.
Should come as no surprise that I disagree with him. If I were there in 13, I'd probably react just like the other rebels. But like Gale, I also understand why he did it and can't honestly blame him too much. In general, I stand with Gale's assessment of it.
He points out how Peeta emphasized (aggressively, for which I give him credit) that Katniss was not involved in the rebels' plan. However, as Katniss notes, even if she didn't know the extent of what she was doing when she shot the forcefield, she knew she was aiming at the Capitol, the real enemy. Peeta's presentation of her as confused, as lacking agency, may be nice to protect her should the rebels fail, but it also is contributing to rebel failure. He doesn't know that she'll be the Mockingjay, but he's already discrediting the Mockingjay. "There are Districts where the resistance is shakier." For people who are on the fence, Peeta calling for a ceasefire is discouraging. Who wants to join a rebellion when one of the top celebrities they've come to associate with it is saying it's pointless and downplaying the actions of the other?
Now, it isn't clear why Peeta said what he did. Maybe he was tortured in a way that isn't visually apparent yet. Maybe all it took was Snow threatening him or Katniss. Maybe Snow's manipulative enough to even convince Peeta not just to say it, but that it's the truth, that violent rebellions are unnecessary and maybe we can all just get along if we talk it out (never gonna happen). And while a younger me blamed him more, now that I'm older than the main cast of characters, I see more clearly that he's just a kid. Shit, I believed some dumb things at 17, too, until I learned better. Difference was I wasn't a public political figure. There are 17-year-olds out there with stronger conviction, yes, not dismissing them. But for a kid like Peeta, a regular 17-year-old who's not had it easy but certainly suffered less than the rest of his District, if the President has you captured and orders you to present a certain plan on TV, it's not hard to imagine just going along with it and doing as he says. Snow is a scary guy who could easily intimidate Peeta. He manipulates Peeta and exploits how good he is at performing on screen. As Gale says, the ceasefire idea comes from Snow, "but it sounds so reasonable coming out of Peeta's mouth."
I don't hate Peeta for complying, but this announcement did put a dent in the rebel cause, and it's unclear how much he really resisted before agreeing to say it. I'll comment on the other propos from him as they come up, but this one is the most forgivable, imo. And, as always, Gale is correct.
I love how Katniss reacts after processing all this. She thinks of what the Capitol has done and knows that a ceasefire is nonsense. They could never. She's inspired to act in the face of Peeta's call for inaction.
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dreamwalkers-comic · 4 months ago
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beautifulbookishdisaster · 1 year ago
There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves; it is not my nature.
Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
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noragam · 2 years ago
“all i want... is to be close to him. that’s all, but...”
— mikasa ackerman [+ armin arlert], shingeki no kyojin.
{ ch.45 pg.30 }
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sovereignstim · 9 months ago
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monstrous-webcomic · 1 year ago
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everymangacapmisa · 9 months ago
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fsscomics · 2 years ago
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izzywhisker · 2 years ago
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Not yet knowing if Pelor is a person or a species.
Does Pelor talk? / Do Pelors talk?
Hey, a note to anyone who is familiar with Pelor: Imagine lots of little ones. like a basket of kittens.
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blanq · 4 months ago
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wild life episode 2
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Rosebot, Dirk Strider
Page 29-31
ROSEBOT: Tidying all finished?
DIRK: In a manner of speaking.
DIRK: I've given Terezi the all clear.
DIRK: Or, I guess just kinda pissed her off enough to kick this whole thing off once and for all.
ROSEBOT: So, I guess today is finally the day everything's been heading towards.
DIRK: You could put it like that, yeah.
DIRK: At least, we're aiming to frame it that way.
DIRK: Our actions from this point on will form part of a crucial inner mechanism, tucked away behind the tightly sealed metallic service hatch of reality.
DIRK: One which will be of our own creation, but which by all practical considerations might as well have always been there.
DIRK: And if we're successful, the distinction won't be significant enough to matter to just about anybody.
DIRK: They'll be too busy getting their mind's dicks collectively blown.
ROSEBOT: Would you say that we're imploring people to "suck on this"?
DIRK: Oh absolutely. Get the hand-illuminated invitations ready on the fucking double.
ROSEBOT: Hilarious fellatioid imagery notwithstanding, there's something about today that feels...
DIRK: Exciting?
DIRK: I can understand that. We've been waiting a long time.
ROSEBOT: I was going to say "portentous".
ROSEBOT: With both the positive and negative connotations that word usually has.
DIRK: You've got misgivings, then.
ROSEBOT: I wouldn't even go so far as to call it that.
ROSEBOT: What I'm feeling is hard to explain to someone whose being is not inextricably linked with the very concept of fortune.
ROSEBOT: The sensation probably doesn't even have a name, come to think of it.
ROSEBOT: Not too many people have ever been in our position before.
DIRK: Just about none, I'd bet.
ROSEBOT: But if I had to describe it, I'd say that misgivings, hunches, doubts and so on are supported on a foundation of un-knowing.
ROSEBOT: And along with that absence of knowledge comes a commensurate feeling of dread or worry. Fear about the potential calamity yet to come.
ROSEBOT: On the other hand, while feelings of positive anticipation also tend to stem from a lack of certainty about the future,
ROSEBOT: The presumption of good fortune allows the uncertainty to become excitement.
ROSEBOT: It's the glee of a child who knows not what the gift contains, but can evaluate from prior experience that it's likely to be something good.
DIRK: Can't empathize.
ROSEBOT: Dirk, you are tragically capable of sucking all joy and convivial sentiment out of basically every situation you find yourself in.
DIRK: Thanks.
DIRK: Anyway, this feeling you were talking about. I take it that we're not dealing with either giddy enthusiasm or paranoid foreboding, then.
ROSEBOT: No. My point is that the present moment feels like neither of those two cases.
ROSEBOT: But crucially, it's not because there is nothing to anticipate. Far from it.
ROSEBOT: Instead, it feels like the very notion of fortune is simply out of the question as a means of describing the potential outcome.
ROSEBOT: As though in this moment, luck isn't either strictly real or not real, or somewhere inbetween, but absent of meaning completely.
ROSEBOT: Luck took one look at our itinerary from here on out and said you'll just have to go on without me.
DIRK: Luck rolled over the other side of the dictionary and said not tonight sweetheart, I've got a wicked fuckin' headache.
ROSEBOT: Exactly.
ROSEBOT: Except now I'm the one with the migraine.
DIRK: Well whatever that means, it doesn't sound good.
DIRK: I didn't know that robots could even get headaches.
ROSEBOT: I'd say it's more of an ontological, existential headache, but that already describes basically everything that's ever happened to us up until now.
ROSEBOT: And also sounds as fake as shit.
DIRK: Is there nothing I can say that'd take the weight off your mind?
DIRK: For what it's worth, I think we've got this plan riding at a level experts might describe as "pretty solid".
DIRK: We scanned for Sburban technology, so we know for sure this is the right planet. Wheels are already in motion and all that.
DIRK: This thing is on lock-down. Hermetically sealed, even.
DIRK: Shit's tighter than a pair of English-occupied micro-shorts.
ROSEBOT: You aren't going to believe this, but it turns out that the deranged horny ramblings of a spurned anime-obsessive have essentially no therapeutic properties whatsoever.
ROSEBOT: And contrary to common wisdom, talking about the problem doesn't seem to have eased my state of mind either.
ROSEBOT: I doubt you could say anything to make me feel better. If anything, I feel worse now than I already did.
ROSEBOT: It's like the notion I was trying to describe was so conceptually insubstantial, so resistant to concrete definition within any meaningful frame of reference, that even thinking about it as an idea made *me* somehow existentially unsound.
ROSEBOT: And not in the way I used to always feel, back before John made the choice to validate our canonical existences axiomatically.
ROSEBOT: Foreboding I can deal with. I'm a Seer. Sooths are mine to say.
ROSEBOT: But this is different.
DIRK: Well, if talking about it didn't help, maybe talking about how it felt to talk about it might just enlarge the problem geometrically.
ROSEBOT: Fair point.
DIRK: What's that noise I'm hearing.
DIRK: It sounds a little bit like a cat being caught in a ventilation fan. A sort of...
DIRK: Inhuman screeching, combined with the grinding of metal.
DIRK: Are we even going to make it to the ground?
ROSEBOT: Oh, no,
ROSEBOT: The ship's fine as far as I can tell.
ROSEBOT: That's just Terezi laughing.
DIRK: She's... enjoying this, isn't she.
ROSEBOT: I suppose so.
DIRK: What?
ROSEBOT: The mood is kind of infectious actually.
ROSEBOT: I suppose it's about time we had a little fun around here.
DIRK: Glad to hear it.
DIRK: ...
DIRK: Rose?
ROSEBOT: Yes Dirk.
DIRK: ...
DIRK: How do you feel about games?
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